
Uniting for Healing: Support for 9/11 Cancer Patients

The trauma of September 11, 2001, carries a deep emotional impact that lingers even decades later.

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Prostate Cancer Awareness Month: What You Need to Know

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about prostate cancer, understanding the risks, and encouraging early detection.

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Tips for Telling Your Children About Your Cancer Diagnosis

Sharing your cancer diagnosis with loved ones can be challenging, especially when it comes to telling your children.

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Self-Care Habits for Those Battling Cancer

When you or a loved one is battling cancer, life can feel overwhelming.

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Culture. It Matters

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World Lung Cancer Day

Since 2012, World Lung Cancer Day has been observed every year on August 1st every year.

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Cancer Prevention Tips

The thought of cancer is frightening for anyone, but, did you know there are actually ways to help prevent cancer?

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Exploring Creative Hobbies for Mental Wellness

Mental wellness is a top priority for many people. Engaging in hobbies is a wonderful way to step outside your daily stressors and focus on activities that bring you joy.

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Nutrition During Cancer Treatment in the Summer

Nutrition is an important part of cancer prevention, treatment, and recovery.

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July is Sarcoma and Bone Cancer Awareness Month

July marks Sarcoma and Bone Cancer Awareness Month, a crucial time to raise awareness about these rare yet significant cancers that affect bones and soft tissues.

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