If you or a loved one are new to a cancer diagnosis, medical oncology therapies such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and CAR T-cell therapy are often the first line of treatment. At Astera, our board-certified medical oncologists provide complete, state-of-the-art cancer and hematology care.
Chemotherapy is a primary treatment for cancer that uses anti-cancer medications selectively target cancer cells to destroy them. Modern chemotherapy treatment uses a wide variety of chemical compounds to accomplish their mission, which may be customized to different types of cancer and patient symptoms.
CAR T-cell Therapy
A breakthrough approach to cancer care, CAR T-cell therapy is an advanced immunotherapy that that uses your body’s own immune system. If you’re a candidate for CAR T-cell therapy, our team will go over the treatment process and discuss any other additional options with you.
At Astera, many of our physicians are double board-certified in medical oncology and hematology. Find a physician.