Applications for 2025 are now closed.
Decision notifications will be sent out by April 1, 2025.
Program Dates: Monday, June 30th - Friday, August 15th, 2025
The Astera High School Oncology Research Experience provides students with the opportunity to explore independent biomedical research in a community oncology practice.
Over the course of 6 weeks, students will complete clinical oncology project based on Astera's current patient data, while receiving training from physicians in research skills.
Students will be paired one-on-one with a physician mentor to guide them through their research. Throughout the program, students will also shadow their physician mentors as they see patients. At the end of the experience, students will have the opportunity to compose an abstract summarizing their research project, with the possibility of presenting their research at a national conference.
The program includes a combination of in-person and remote work. In-person components of this experience occur at Saint Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick, as well as various Astera Cancer Care locations.
Students will be provided with a stipend for transportation expenses.
Curriculum Components (6 Lectures):
Eligibility Requirements:
In order to participate, students must:
Astera Student Presenter at GI ASCO 1/22
Astera Student Presenter at ASCO Quality 9/24
Astera Student Presenter GI ASCO 1/25
How many times a week will in-person work occur?
While scheduling may slightly vary depending on the preferences of the physician-mentor, students are expected to be on site 2 half days a week, one day for lecture and one day for shadowing.
Where will in-person work occur?
All in-person work, both lectures and shadowing, will take place in Saint Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick as well as various Astera Cancer Care locations. Transportation stipends will be provided for in-person days.
Where will I be able to present my project?
During the final week of the program, one additional lecture slot will be reserved for students to share their research with each other. After the culmination of the program, students will have the choice of working with their physician-mentors to refine their research into a polished abstract that can be submitted to one of several ASCO conferences.